Turmeric Powder

Grocery Products

Turmeric Powder

Rs. 125(Per Unit - Inclusive of all taxes)ADD TO CARTApprox. Shipping Cost - Rs. 60


Salem variety Turmeric powder made from fresh turmeric rhizomes.

Unlike regular process of Turmeric powder making our turmeric is not Boiled to dehydrate it fast, but we make slices of raw Turmeric rhizomes and sundry it.


Salem turmeric


Turmeric is rich in a compound called curcumin

Curcumin has high antioxidant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties

It is highly beneficial for strengthening the immune system

A healthy ingredient to use for cooking as well as for skin applications

Used in Ayurveda

Usage Info

  • Turmeric powder is a common ingredient in most Indian recipes. Turmeric with milk and crushed pepper is a healthy drink to have during winter.
  • Lately a lot of bakers have started using turmeric powder to flavour breads and cakes .It is an ingredient much loved for the warm yellow tones it adds to a dish.
  • Herbal teas with warm turmeric infusions are a great way to start the day and helps in cleansing the system and in boosting energy.
  • The golden spice has attracted global acclaim for its wellness properties.
  • Homemade turmeric scrubs for the face and arms are equally popular.

Storage Info

Store in an airtight container in a cool,dry place.


What is ‘Salem’ Turmeric?

Salem is a place in Tamil Nadu, India, which is famous for ages, for the turmeric it produces. This turmeric is regarded of great quality and colour and also higher in curcumin content as compared to some other varieties of turmeric.

Can we use this turmeric powder as part of the skincare regime?

Yes, it can be used for skin application. Unless you have a history or known allergy to turmeric powder.

Is it Gluten free?

Yes, it is Gluten free.

What is the shelf life?

It is best before 12 months from the date of packaging.

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